Leading a Peaceful Life with Technology
TR is a digital healthcare company that strives to develop technologies and services for a better life for everyone.
With innovation, expertise, trust, and service as our core values, all executives and employees strive to fulfill their responsibility for customer satisfaction and have been recognized for our business potential by being selected for various national projects, including projects by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups, the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Furthermore, as a company specializing in healthcare, we are a company that fulfills its social responsibilities, faithfully fulfills the basics of the company, continuously improves corporate value, and strives to provide a comfortable life to many people through innovative technology.
The AI-based simple entry-level lung function checker "THE SPIROKIT"
THE SPIROKIT has high precision, and it is an AI-based chronic respiratory disease checker with S/W that can be tested within 5 minutes using data stored in the DB platform and AI. It is an entry-level lung function checker that can be easily possessed and operated at a low cost even in primary medical institutions, which were difficult to have due to various problems with existing diagnostic spirometers.
IoT-based, UV-C LED applied nebulizer 'THE NEB'
THE NEB is an IoT-based nebulizer that can be linked with dedicated applications using Bluetooth, which allows users to record usage, control usage, and alarm functions. These functions enable accurate diagnosis of medical staff suitable for the current situation and reduce the risk of drug overuse and misuse. It is also a next-generation nebulizer that can be used more cleanly as it can disinfect areas that are difficult to clean by applying UV-C LED.
510, 5F, TipsTown99, Daehak-ro
Yuseong-gu, Daejeon
Korea, Republic of