2023 Conference Programme

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Why Computer Vision Platforms and Responsible AI are Essential for Your Business

12 Oct 2023
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Theatre

For the last decade, we observed artificial intelligence (AI) adoption evolve from a futuristic promise pursued by early adopters with mature technology teams, to a legitimate and rapidly growing priority shared by many C-suite and senior leaders across functions. Organisations around the world continue to identify new use cases for AI technologies and tools.

However, according to Gartner, despite the hype, it might surprise you to hear that AI is still undervalued. Most AI value is generated from one-off, point-to-point solutions. IT leaders who industrialise AI solution delivery will create vastly greater value faster and compound these gains as AI solutions scale enterprise wide.

During this session we will explain how platforms enable organisations to deal with the enterprise challenges associated with Computer Vision AI including:

  • Responsible AI
  • Privacy
  • Scalability
  • Performance
  • Accuracy
  • Security


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