2023 Conference Programme

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Accelerate Your Digital Transformation with Focus on Realising the Power of Your Data and Make the Most Out of Your Workforce Talents

11 Oct 2023
Big Data & AI World Keynote Theatre

Improve precision and timeliness of your business decision-making through real-time analytics from multiple sources of data. In this theatre, big data experts will share their experience on uncovering intelligence and leading business through challenge and market opportunities using data strategies


Keynote Theatre Sponsor

AI, Machine Learning & Advanced Analytics Theatre Sponsor


VIP Lunch Sponsors


Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors



Data & AI Learning Partner

Preferred Learning Partner

Community Partner

Association Partners

Event Partners

Media Partners

Official News Release Distributor Partner

Official Training Partner

Knowledge Partner

frost & sullivan


Official Partner Hotel

Held In

Supported By

Singapore MICE Sustainability Certification - BRONZE